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Global project management
10.000m2 stockholding in warehouse
Quality assurance, testing and reporting
Guaranteed on time delivery
Logistic worldwide services to your site
Stainalloy - About Stainalloy
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About Stainalloy

Over several decades Stainalloy has grown to be an established stockist and project managing organization within the oil & gas-producing and -processing industry, power generation and desalination.

The high level of service handles the full procurement cycle according to your client specifications. The dedicated and skillful project teams at Stainalloy, operating in the disciplines of sales, expediting and quality management, will assist through the various project stages. This includes quality control of materials, monitoring and guidance of suppliers, arrangement of documentation, and if necessary, total package delivery to the end customer.

Furthermore, as specialized distributor we offer a unique and extensive product range from stock, which includes packages of high-alloyed steel pipes and related components that comprise of fittings, flanges, forgings and plates.

  • Global project management
  • 10.000 m2 stockholding in warehouse
  • Quality assurance, testing and reporting
  • Guaranteed on-time delivery
  • Worldwide logistic services to your site
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