Alloy 800

Nickel Alloy 800
UNS N08800/N08810/N08811

Stainalloy is highly experienced in the supply of alloy UNS N08800/N08810/N08811 piping materials. We have been working with this for more than 20 years. Our many experiences have given us unparalleled technical know-how and excellent relationships with leading manufacturers.

Alloy 800, 800H and 800HT

Alloy 800, 800H and 800HT are high-strength nickel-iron-chromium alloys. They offer superior resistance to carbonization and oxidation when exposed to high temperatures.

Alloy 800, 800H and 800HT are the result of years of research into chemical properties for strength and resistance to corrosion at high temperature. Each alloy is a refinement of the previous one. Alloy 800 was introduced to the market in the 1950s. Because there was a need for a heat and corrosion resistant alloy with a relatively low nickel content. Later, alloy 800 was modified to alloy 800H, which has a higher carbon content. Alloy 800H was then refined to alloy 800HT by adding up to 1.20% aluminum and titanium. Due to the higher nickel content, the corrosion resistance is very high. This makes alloy 800H and 800HT resistant to embrittlement due to precipitation of the sigma phase and chloride stress corrosion cracking. In addition, alloys 800H and 800HT contain excellent creep and stress fracture properties.


Alloy 800 is mainly used under temperatures up to 1100° F. At temperatures above 1100° F, alloys 800H and 800HT are used. Here, more resistance to creep and fracture is required. Because of its chemical balance, nickel steel alloys exhibit excellent resistance to carbonization, oxidation, and nitrating atmospheres.

Many soot-free steels become brittle after prolonged exposure to temperatures between 1200-1600 ° F. Alloy 800HT does not. In addition, alloy 800HT possesses excellent cold forming properties. During cold forming, a visible wavy surface is produced, also called "the orange peel. This protects alloy 800HT from deformation.

Alloy 800H and 800HT are often used for heat treatment equipment, such as baskets, trays and fixtures. But these alloys are also often used in the chemical and petrochemical processing industries, for heat exchangers and other piping systems. In addition, the alloys are used in nuclear power plants and the paper pulp industry.

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Stainalloy products are extensively tested. As a result, the products always meet the world's leading material specifications. This includes the 800, 800H and 800HT alloys. We have an equipped logistics hub and very well-trained warehouse personnel. Furthermore, we offer the possibility to upgrade to any specific client requirement.

All elements for a successful delivery are in place. Stainalloy stocks ½" through 8" seamless Alloy 800 tubing manufactured by only the most reputable mills in accordance with ASTM B407.

Vincent van Beest
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